Sunset from Bernal Hill. San Francisco, CA
© April 2021
I started getting interested in photography around middle school, learned how to develop film and make prints in 8th or 9th grade, and pursued photography as a hobby throughout high school. During college I working for a number of school publications and eventually started freelancing for a number of local and national publications and press agencies.
Eventually I chose to work in a different field and photography went back to being an avocation, which I think I prefer.
From 2005 until 2009 I had a photo site called eBokeh.com (more on that here) where I shared my photography. At some point in 2009 that site was hacked and the database was corrupted. It was running on a deprecated blogging platform and became a chore to keep it running so I let it lapse.
Since that site went offline I haven’t really had anywhere to share my photography. I posted occasionally on Facebook or Instagram several years ago but I don’t really like those platforms. While I continued to shoot pictures I was getting bogged down in how to manage my whole workflow. The amount of energy it took to scan film, organize my photo library, as well as finding anything in my film archives started to outweighed the fun of it.
I started planning on how to fix this in late 2019 deciding I’d dedicate a bunch of evenings towards it during 2020. My goal at the time was to be able to shoot some rolls of film, develop, scan, and catalog it, all without it being too onerous.
When the COVID-19 lock down started in late March 2020 I already had my plan together and most of the scanning hardware I needed. I ended up expanding the scope of my project to also include reorganizing my film archive from the last 20 years and to scan and catalog every frame of every roll (or sheet). This was a pretty big undertaking, especially for something that would have to happen for only a couple of hours at a time at the end of the day.
In the end I scanned just shy of 10,000 frames and developed an efficient workflow so I can shoot, scan, and share all in the same day when I want to.
With that complete I decided to spend some time in 2021 building this new website, which has been a pretty large project in and of itself. I’ve gotten to come up to speed the progression of content management systems, social networks, and web platforms over the last 15 years or so which has been great. I wanted to be able to share some technical details of each image in a consistent way too and so that functionality was built into this site. There’s some more information about that on this page.
This site is designed to work great on any viewing platform or browser. In order to best view the images as intended try to use a computer or tablet with a large screen.
There are a few high level topics I’m going to try to cover here:
This is the primary purpose of this website: a place for me to share my new and old photography. I use film a lot and so I wanted to be able to properly share those pictures. I also enjoy digital photography and so it’ll all be here. I have a complete archive of all of the photography I’ve been done over the last 20 years or so and I’ve been adding to it with new work.
I rebuilt my old photography site using site backups and brand new high-resolution scans of all of the original images. It will live here in a static form.
If i post anything else from that time period it will be part of the “Photography” section of this website.
Blog Posts
I’m going to write a series of posts detailing my shooting/developing/scanning workflow. I learned a lot about how to do all of this from other people on forums and various discussion groups. I’ll detail out what and why I did things the way I did to hopefully help others who are trying to do the same. And maybe there will be some other things similar to that.
Photo by my daughter. Age 3