
This category will be only be used for posts from eBokeh.com

Bridal Veil Falls From Along The Merced River

1532 1920 Liberty Thermionics

Grace Cathedral, San Francisco

1758 1920 Liberty Thermionics

Tomales Bay, CA

1920 1507 Liberty Thermionics

Near the Point Reyes Beach

1920 1512 Liberty Thermionics

We took a drive up to Point Reyes Station Saturday morning and ended up on an Elk reserve that I never knew existed. The Elk reserve is on land inhabited by a family who has apparently live there since the late 1800s. Elk all over the place. This is a photograph of their barn. (the family’s, not the elk –…

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Just South Of Pescadero

1920 1493 Liberty Thermionics

A couple of things happened at the same time over this President’s Day Weekend. I had to replace my car at the end of last year and the one i bought way back in early january just arrived this weekend (finally), i got a new camera which arrive thursday, and i got involved in a last-minute work fracas which lasted…

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Snow Shoeing Along Badger Pass

1920 1520 Liberty Thermionics

This past weekend involved another trip to a place i love: Yosemite National Park. I can’t quite wrap my mind around the past couple of weeks, shifting between a rather drab work-week and then these fantastic places for about 50 hours. I guess that’s California for you, nothing’s more than a train ride (or a 3 hour drive) away. Yosemite…

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Redwood and Moss

1920 1520 Liberty Thermionics

Yosemite National Park: Early February 06: Bridal Veil Falls – Yosemite National Park (link) Back to Basics (link) Bridal Veil Falls from Above (link) Redwood and Moss (link) Snow Shoeing Along Badger Pass (link)

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Bridal Veil Falls – From a Parking Lot

1920 1906 Liberty Thermionics

Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on how you feel about these sorts of things, this picture was pretty much taken from a parking lot. Granted it’s a nice parking lot with a great view, but it’s a parking lot. The trend on this sort of thing around the park is upwards – which is… well the way it is. i’ll be…

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Back to Basics

1913 1920 Liberty Thermionics

Seeing as i just cleaned the darkroom today i thought i’d take a break from what will become a Yosemite sequence and put up a picture of the eBokeh bathroom, er, darkroom facilities that i took a couple of weeks ago. As you can see we’re state of the art the entire way. This past weekend involved another trip to…

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Bridal Veil Falls Runoff – Yosemite National Park

1920 1532 Liberty Thermionics

I got to spend this weekend lazing around Yosemite, one of my most favorite past-times, even over Super-Bowl weekend. Of course living here on the west coast the super-bowl starts at about 3pm. Since we didn’t get on the road until about 2:30pm and there were about 180 miles of asphalt between the park and the couch there wasn’t much…

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