
For posts related to film processing

Ocean Beach SF, CA

1920 1509 Liberty Thermionics

Pentax 67 Takumar 6×7 105mm f/2.4 6×7 100TMX HC110-b Pelicans making their way South © July 31, 2021 Still testing things out here. I went through my photo catalog looking for pictures from Ocean Beach and pulled this small set over the last year. During the COVID lock down we came out here several times at the end of a…

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South Fork of the Merced River

1920 1530 Liberty Thermionics

I’ve been preparing some pictures from a recent trip to Yosemite, we hadn’t been in several years and i brought a couple of different camera systems with me. I’d also planned to shoot some color film which isn’t something I usually do. Most color negative film uses a developing process called C-41. I’ve never done that at home before and…

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