eBokeh Post Archive

YNP: Lower Yosemite Falls

Sorry about that last post, i was trying to run out the door. We spent the past weekend at Yosemite. It’s great having a place

Where’s my toothpaste?

Here’s a little time-lapse of Jason and Wendy discussing the location of their tooth-paste. You have pretty much 2 choices of dwellings in Curry Village

YNP: Yosemite Falls

The lower falls here are same ones that were in the previous picture, the upper falls you can see above are greatly affected by the

YNP: Half Dome from the Valley

Here’s Half Dome as seen from a vacant meadow in the valley It’s sort of crazy. Everyone – well nearly everyone – who’s at Yosemite

YNP: On top of Yosemite Falls

This is what Yosemite looks like at the top. My little GPS thingy said we were at 6666.something feet +/-26 feet. If you look carefully

Above Berkeley CA: Tilden State Park

Beautiful Tilden State Park, just about 500 yards from Inspiration Point I don’t know what the deal is with inspiration point. It’s great and all

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