eBokeh Post Archive

Santa Cruz Beach

It’s unclear why they have these little life-guard huts out there as there wasn’t a life-guard in sight, and it was a sunny Saturday. The

Neil Armstrong Olson

This weekend we ventured to the moon (that’s the earth-rise you see Jason pointing at). He neglected to bring his space-suit so could only stay

Fort Ross

Fort Ross was an interesting place. Russian settlers, Native Alaskans and Californians called this place home, all at the same time. It has been called

Field of Grass Near Fort Ross

Near Fort Ross is the aforementioned tall grass that induced copious amounts of sneezing. See – i wasn’t joking – that’s some serious California Grass.

Port of Oakland

Just a little shorty for you today. Sorry I haven’t posted lately I’ve been rather tied up. (I was thinking through this recently) there have

Chris in the Marin Headlands

My brother and sister, managed to take 4 days of vacation from their summer vacations to come out to San Francisco to visit. Chris was

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