eBokeh Post Archive

Bridal Veil Falls Runoff

We just returned from the Strawberry Music Festival which took place up near the Hetch Hetchy. The weather was no friend to us though as

Merced River: Rock and Tree

There are lots of things in a flowing river that will get wedged from time to time two of the most popular being rocks and

SoFoBoMo is done!

Yesterday was the last day I could work on my Solo Photo Book Month project as May ended at midnight last night. I spent a

Bridalveil Runoff

The area immediately below Bridalveil is responsible for diverting all of the water that rolls over the falls into the merced river which is probably

Bridalveil Runoff

Another part of the runoff of Bridalveil falls. Towards the end of the summer this is a large rocky area that you can climb all

Merced River

Water flowing down a particularly long stretch of rapids.

Bridalveil Falls with Rainbow

If you’ve ever stood at the base of the falls you know how wet you can get. Well… i got about that wet. In about

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