eBokeh Post Archive

From the Clift Hotel

Exactly 1 month ago yesterday as part of the celebration of Leanne’s birth, and because there wasn’t enough time to take a faraway trip, we

YNP: El Capitan from Above

El Capitan/North Dome is directly to the left of Half Dome. From the valley floor you wouldn’t have any idea that those 2 additional domes

YNP: Half Dome from Above

Half Dome, Yosemite National Park. California There is a lot going on right now, and a lot more to come. This particular photograph is the

Jason Shooting Half Dome

Sunday morning before we left we decided to cruise up to the top of Glacier Point. Glacier Point has a spectacular view of the entire

Half Dome from a 4×5

Same chunk of granite, different camera I don’t really know about this one… As i composed it i thought it would be fantastic, now i’m

Point Reyes Station Lighthouse

The Point Reyes Station Lighthouse. Jason and i cruised out here today to check out the scene. The last time we were here – the

YNP: Burned Trees in the Valley

We went out to Yosemite again this weekend. I don’t know what it is but no matter how much i’ve tried i always end up

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