eBokeh Post Archive

Back to Basics

Seeing as i just cleaned the darkroom today i thought i’d take a break from what will become a Yosemite sequence and put up a

Bridal Veil Falls – From a Parking Lot

Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on how you feel about these sorts of things, this picture was pretty much taken from a parking lot. Granted it’s

Redwood and Moss

Yosemite National Park: Early February 06: Bridal Veil Falls – Yosemite National Park (link) Back to Basics (link) Bridal Veil Falls from Above (link) Redwood

Snow Shoeing Along Badger Pass

This past weekend involved another trip to a place i love: Yosemite National Park. I can’t quite wrap my mind around the past couple of

Just South Of Pescadero

A couple of things happened at the same time over this President’s Day Weekend. I had to replace my car at the end of last

Near the Point Reyes Beach

We took a drive up to Point Reyes Station Saturday morning and ended up on an Elk reserve that I never knew existed. The Elk

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