
Muni Near SBC Park, San Francisco

1920 1514 Liberty Thermionics

At Ocean Beach, San Francisco

1920 1532 Liberty Thermionics

Union Square, San Francisco

1920 1518 Liberty Thermionics

It’s the time of year where things like this start happening… Egg Nog Latte: It doesn’t matter if you’re at the Starbucks in the strip mall, the Starbucks in the real mall, or the little indy coffee shop on the corner (or even the semi-corporate chain) there’s an Egg Nog Latte. I’ve had two of them before – in past…

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Lighthouse South of Pescadero

1912 1920 Liberty Thermionics

This is a special post for Randi, who i talked to this evening for the first time in about 8 months or so! From talking to her I learned that there are at least 6 people that read this web page, up from 5 which is what i’d previously thought. I didn’t realize that 2+ weeks had passed since my…

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Cleaning Leaves, Pescadero, CA

1911 1920 Liberty Thermionics

This stream had been neglected for many months, there were blockades of leaves everywhere, but when we left the increased sound from the running water was nearly deafening Yesterday (Sunday) morning i went up into the marin headlands to drive around, drink coffee, listen to music and look for photographs. It was a strange day as the as weather modulated…

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Outside of Pescadero, CA

1915 1920 Liberty Thermionics

We found this creek running along the road (rt. 84 i think) right in the middle of a redwood grove on the way from 280 to pescadero. After making it through the woods we stopped at my newest most favorite bar. Attached to Duartes this tavern has been there since 1894. So has the jukebox – which is the only…

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YNP: Burned Trees in the Valley

1510 1920 Liberty Thermionics

We went out to Yosemite again this weekend. I don’t know what it is but no matter how much i’ve tried i always end up taking pictures of half-dome. It’s an amazing thing, but i’ve been trying to find other items of note in the valley. This weekend found the leaves about one to two weeks short of their optimal…

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Point Reyes Station Lighthouse

1910 1920 Liberty Thermionics

The Point Reyes Station Lighthouse. Jason and i cruised out here today to check out the scene. The last time we were here – the first time – we’d just been camping in Samuel P. Taylor State Park and the campfire had set off allergies. It was generally a bad scene, and not a whole lot was done on the…

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Marin Headlands – Just North of San Francisco

1913 1920 Liberty Thermionics

This is on the road right next to the missile base i mentioned yesterday. There are these two buildings that i’ve driven by several times. I assume that early most foggy Saturday mornings in the Marin headlands there are only about 4 things going on: mindless driving around by tourists or out of town visitors, bicycling, picture taking, and the…

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San Francisco Bay Early on a Saturday Morning

1906 1920 Liberty Thermionics

As we came out of the long tunnel in the Marin Headlands the sky was suddenly clearing up. Clear blue sky and a stiff cool breeze. Jason and I woke up a little early and cruised out to the Marin Headlands for a little photography. Did you know there’s a missile base out there? I did – well – i’d…

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