
Fort McHenry National Monument

1920 1280 Liberty Thermionics

Fort McHenry was the last line of defense intended to stop the British from invading Baltimore during the war of 1812. The soldiers at the fort held off the British for 25 hours, the extended canon fire through the night inspired what eventually became the Star Spangled Banner. Over the years it went from being an active fort, to an…

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3 Fall Weekends

1920 1285 Liberty Thermionics

I had accumulated a few rolls of 35mm from over the last couple of months and got a chance to develop them last night. Here are a few frames from 3 different weekend outings around San Francisco from the ocean to the bay. First stop was along the Embarcadero, somewhere I’ve walked numerous times over the last several years. I’ve…

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Weekday Morning Hill Hike

1920 1517 Liberty Thermionics

It’s definitely a bit exceptional (in the strict definition of the word) for us to be up on the hill around sunrise during a normal weekday morning. It’s kind of nice though as it provides a different perspective to something we’ve done a few hundred times under mostly different circumstances. I grabbed a camera on the way out the door…

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El Capitan Climbers

1917 1920 Liberty Thermionics

Hasselblad 500c/m Tele-Tessar CF 350mm f/5.6 6×6 100TMX HC110-b See if you can spot the climbers © October 2021 It was about 7am and about 30 degrees F. The frozen fog was just starting to dissipate from the valley floor as the sun started to warm the air. There was a group of climbers maybe 25% of the way up…

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Ocean Beach SF, CA

1920 1509 Liberty Thermionics

Pentax 67 Takumar 6×7 105mm f/2.4 6×7 100TMX HC110-b Pelicans making their way South © July 31, 2021 Still testing things out here. I went through my photo catalog looking for pictures from Ocean Beach and pulled this small set over the last year. During the COVID lock down we came out here several times at the end of a…

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South Fork of the Merced River

1920 1530 Liberty Thermionics

I’ve been preparing some pictures from a recent trip to Yosemite, we hadn’t been in several years and i brought a couple of different camera systems with me. I’d also planned to shoot some color film which isn’t something I usually do. Most color negative film uses a developing process called C-41. I’ve never done that at home before and…

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Self portrait in mirror

How it started… How it’s going

1226 1600 Liberty Thermionics

(This started as a test post and I think I’ll just leave it here for now.) Canon EOS 630 EF 24mm f/2.8 35mm Full-Frame (24mm x 36mm) Fuji NPS 800 Lab Basketball remote setup © c. 1999 Testing my remote setup for basketball games. I’d lopped the end off of a Canon cable release and soldered it to a Radio…

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Summertime at the South Jersey Shore

1920 1524 Liberty Thermionics

Pentax 67 SMC 67 105mm f/2.4 6×7 100TMX HC110-b On the borderline between Avalon and Stone Harbor, NJ Pentax 67 SMC 67 105mm f/2.4 6×7 100TMX HC110-b Pentax 67 SMC 67 55mm f/4 6×7 100TMX HC110-b

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Bernal Heights Victorian

1600 1272 Liberty Thermionics

Pentax 67 SMC 67 105mm f/2.4 6×7 100TMX HC110-b Looking South from the Coso Avenue mini dog park. This was a quick snapshot that I was using as a test post but I kind of like it so i’m going to leave it here. You can see the dried up PhotoFlo along the frame edge.

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