Angel Island

3 Fall Weekends

1920 1285 Liberty Thermionics

I had accumulated a few rolls of 35mm from over the last couple of months and got a chance to develop them last night. Here are a few frames from 3 different weekend outings around San Francisco from the ocean to the bay. First stop was along the Embarcadero, somewhere I’ve walked numerous times over the last several years. I’ve…

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Angel Island – San Francisco Bay

1911 1920 Liberty Thermionics

Sorry for the lack of updates lately.. i missed a few weekends of shooting, first, well both, because of work, and then i got rather ill and spent the week watching Orange County Choppers, Rachel Ray and Myth Busters (etc), and feeling sorry for myself, all in between my naps on the couch. I’m mostly through that whole episode now…

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