Curry Village

One From The Vault

1851 1920 Liberty Thermionics

A couple of years ago (September ’05) Jason and I took off for Yosemite one weekend. We packed the car full of medium and large format cameras, related equipment and a couple of sleeping bags and left after work on a Friday evening. Jason had rented a couple of 8×10 lenses to play with and i was trying to make…

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Where’s my toothpaste?

1920 1440 Liberty Thermionics

Here’s a little time-lapse of Jason and Wendy discussing the location of their tooth-paste. You have pretty much 2 choices of dwellings in Curry Village (That’s the name of the particular “town” inside of Yosemite where we stayed). There’s the perma-tent (a wooden platform on the ground with canvas sides and a roof – tent style, and, the full-on heated…

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