
Fort McHenry National Monument

1920 1280 Liberty Thermionics

Fort McHenry was the last line of defense intended to stop the British from invading Baltimore during the war of 1812. The soldiers at the fort held off the British for 25 hours, the extended canon fire through the night inspired what eventually became the Star Spangled Banner. Over the years it went from being an active fort, to an…

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So Sorry Victor

640 496 Liberty Thermionics

Sorry for the lack of posts. Work/Life balance problems. I realized the other day that i hadn’t seen my car for about 2 weeks and it’s been raining (hard) every day. Hope the sun roof doesn’t leak like the old one did. Anyway… A while ago i let my brother borrow/have one of my cameras, a nice newish Hasselblad 501c/m.…

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Port of Oakland

1920 1440 Liberty Thermionics

Just a little shorty for you today. Sorry I haven’t posted lately I’ve been rather tied up. (I was thinking through this recently) there have been about 25 weekends this year, and I have had to work over 20 or 21 of them, I’m a little worn out, er thin, but not actually thin) These large crane things are used…

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Yerba Buena Island Looking Towards San Francisco

1920 1440 Liberty Thermionics

I made a little venture out to Yerba Buena Island this morning. I think YBI (as the kids call it) has a mysterious air about – but it’s mostly concocted in my head. Yerba Buena island used to be solely military housing, the enlisted men and their families live on Treasure Island. Treasure Island is man-made, Yerba Buena Island is…

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Fort Ross

1920 1440 Liberty Thermionics

Fort Ross was an interesting place. Russian settlers, Native Alaskans and Californians called this place home, all at the same time. It has been called a relationship “chiefly of cooperation,” and is perhaps one of the few examples of different cultures coming together without immediately killing one another. I was there for about 45 minutes and started sneezing from the…

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Neil Armstrong Olson

1920 1440 Liberty Thermionics

This weekend we ventured to the moon (that’s the earth-rise you see Jason pointing at). He neglected to bring his space-suit so could only stay outside of the ship for about as long as he could hold his breath, and due to the lack of air-pressure he’s ballooned up bigger than Britney Spears. The doctors say it’s a temporary thing…

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Santa Cruz Beach

1920 1440 Liberty Thermionics

It’s unclear why they have these little life-guard huts out there as there wasn’t a life-guard in sight, and it was a sunny Saturday. The Santa Cruz Boardwalk is a strange place. It’s like a little bit of New Jersey, but on the California coast. And I’m not talking about the funnel-cake. It must be the prospect of board-walk amusements,…

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Along the Embarcadero: Palm Trees

1920 1440 Liberty Thermionics

Sometimes i set out to photograph the things that i see every day thinking that i can make them look really cool. Instead they turn out looking exactly the way they look every day, which isn’t spectacular but isn’t bad, it just… is. is that bad? good i can’t tell? I’ve been experimenting with these digital pictures in an attempt…

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Above Berkeley CA: Tilden State Park 2

1920 1440 Liberty Thermionics

Leanne decided to lay down on the trail to take pictures of a California Dandelion. We have some of these California Dandelions near the front of our house and they’re at least 4 times the size of any dandelion i’ve ever seen That road down there is the “trail” that runs through Tilden State Park’s Inspiration Point. A guy we…

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Above Berkeley CA: Tilden State Park

1920 1440 Liberty Thermionics

Beautiful Tilden State Park, just about 500 yards from Inspiration Point I don’t know what the deal is with inspiration point. It’s great and all don’t get me wrong, there are rolling meadows as far as the eye can see, and even cows – but there’s not really any room to take it in. You stand there looking at it…

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