El Capitan

El Capitan and the Merced River

1899 1920 Liberty Thermionics

We spent this past weekend in Yosemite and the river certainly didn’t flow like it did back in May when this picture was taken. The Merced was mostly idle and rather shallow. The only waterfall that showed even a wisp of water was Bridalveil Falls (see previous image). Up near Glacier Point there was no sign of moisture at all,…

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El Capitan

1886 1920 Liberty Thermionics

One of the things that always strikes me about being in Yosemite Valley is the enormousness of El Capitan. I mean, everything there is spectacular. The walls of every side of the valley tower above, but El Capitan is just plain huge, and what makes it even more pronounced is that you can walk right up to the side of…

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El Capitan in the Icy Fog

1911 1920 Liberty Thermionics

The next day further up the Merced El Capitan’s base was engulfed frozen fog. This image was made during the late morning when the fog was burning off. Standing in the fog is amazing as over the course of just 30 minutes the weather goes from wet and freezing cold, to rather warm with dry air blowing around the valley.

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Frozen Trees at 6000 Feet

1912 1920 Liberty Thermionics

Saturday was rainy and cold. Sunday morning the sun was broke through the clouds and eventually let the mountain tops show through. There wasn’t any snow in the valley but up at the top everything was encased in snow and ice. By noon there was hardly even any evidence of the previous night’s storm.

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El Cap From The Valley Floor

1900 1920 Liberty Thermionics

El Capitan from the valley floor is immense. The base of the mountain is right behind that patch of trees and the sheer cliff face rises above the valley more than 3500 feet. El Cap is the largest exposed granite slab on earth. Late morning brought warming weather making the clouds around its dome change shape several time a minute.

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El Capitan – Sunrise

1897 1920 Liberty Thermionics

YNP: El Capitan from Above

1915 1920 Liberty Thermionics

El Capitan/North Dome is directly to the left of Half Dome. From the valley floor you wouldn’t have any idea that those 2 additional domes even exist. This was taken at or around Glacier Point. It seems so remote, but unfortunately there’s a giant gift shop not 50 yards from where we were standing. Even more unfortunately we had just…

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