
Chris in the Marin Headlands

1909 1920 Liberty Thermionics

My brother and sister, managed to take 4 days of vacation from their summer vacations to come out to San Francisco to visit. Chris was amazed at the lack of tractors on the city streets, Katherine didn’t know what to do about it either but at least managed to get over it rather quickly and find the perfect vest for…

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The Marriage of Jen and Deneb – From the Top Looking Down

1915 1920 Liberty Thermionics

After a little vacation i’ll give this another shot. It’s been quite some time since my last post. Lots has happened? nothing’s happened? i don’t know. I started this little photo project limiting myself to these digital pictures. Turns out I lost interest in the digital picture thing pretty quickly. Rather, i really like my film cameras – i’ve got…

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Field of Grass Near Fort Ross

1920 1440 Liberty Thermionics

Near Fort Ross is the aforementioned tall grass that induced copious amounts of sneezing. See – i wasn’t joking – that’s some serious California Grass. (not this serious though.)

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YNP: Half Dome from the Valley

1920 1440 Liberty Thermionics

Here’s Half Dome as seen from a vacant meadow in the valley It’s sort of crazy. Everyone – well nearly everyone – who’s at Yosemite is obsessed with Half Dome, specifically, getting that perfect picture of it. We happened to be driving around right near sunset time taking pictures and found this nice vantage point. After about 5 minutes we…

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Along the Embarcadero

1920 1440 Liberty Thermionics

In the closest lane is a beautiful MUNI hybrid bus. (You can’t really see it because it’s in stealth mode) In the background, obscured by the palm tree is the Gap building. This is the birth place of all things somewhat trendy. Sometimes near there there’s an awful smell eminating from the drains. Turns out it’s not rotting sewage, but…

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