
The Dude Motel – West Yellowstone, MT

1920 1914 Liberty Thermionics

I didnt really see all that many dudes hanging out at the hotel. I dont know if it was because there was a snow drift 14′ tall surrounding the hotel or because the wind was blowing at about 35 mph. Theres something very out of place about this hotel in this little town. I came around the corner during a…

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The Frozen Merced River

1912 1920 Liberty Thermionics

About a month ago I managed to escape to Montana for a long ski weekend (i haven’t gone skiing in a while. it wasn’t nearly as much as disaster as i thought it was going to be). I took one day to drive around the Bozeman/Big Sky area and shoot pictures. There was a lot of snow and it was…

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From the Clift Hotel

1894 1920 Liberty Thermionics

Exactly 1 month ago yesterday as part of the celebration of Leanne’s birth, and because there wasn’t enough time to take a faraway trip, we took a weekend vacation in San Francisco (we live in San Francisco in case that doesn’t make sense). It’s an interesting thing to stay in a nice hotel in the city where you live, in…

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