Merced River

Merced River: Rock and Tree

1920 1915 Liberty Thermionics

There are lots of things in a flowing river that will get wedged from time to time two of the most popular being rocks and trees – at least in this part of the world. When i’m come across similar configurations in the past the tree usually is not totally and completely static as this one was. I spent a…

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Snow Melt: The Merced River in Spring

1903 1920 Liberty Thermionics

Late last year I decided that i was going to participate in National Solo Photo Book Month an excellent project organized by Paul Butzi. I spent a good deal of time over the coming months brainstorming on topics and coming up with several ideas that i thought could be successful. What once had been a quite erratic work schedule has…

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Tree Branch Along the Merced Encased in Ice

1920 1914 Liberty Thermionics

Merced River in the Ice

1920 1910 Liberty Thermionics

The Merced River with the wall of El Capitan granite in the background. It’s like standing downtown in a large city, but instead of skyscrapers full of office workers there are sheer walls of monolith all around you.

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Yosemite Valley – The Semi-Frozen Merced River

1913 1920 Liberty Thermionics

I started putting up images from our brief trip to New York about a month ago (i can’t really believe it’s been a month of New York but it has – or will be in 2 days). Over the course of that month i made two different trips – one to Yosemite Valley and another to Montana. Both involved snow,…

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The Merced River – Yosemite Valley

1913 1920 Liberty Thermionics

In a light rain on the way back from Mirror Lake we stumbled upon this scene. The river was swollen from the snow melt and was surging more than i’ve ever seen it before.

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Bridal Veil Falls From Along The Merced River

1532 1920 Liberty Thermionics