New York

Series: Amongst the Chimneys – 1 of 5

1920 1912 Liberty Thermionics

Series: Amongst the Chimneys – 1 of 5 As a tribute to the warm, comfortable house they provided and splendid hospitality offered i have put together a short sequence of images taken from a quick photo shoot on the roof the morning we were to depart. I haven’t posted a series like this in a couple of years – almost…

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Series: Amongst the Chimneys- 2 of 5

1901 1920 Liberty Thermionics

Series: Amongst the Chimneys- 2 of 5 Take it from the top 5 of 5 4 of 5 3 of 5 2 of 5 (current) 1 of 5

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Series: Amongst the Chimneys – 3 of 5

1910 1920 Liberty Thermionics

Series: Amongst the Chimneys – 3 of 5 Take it from the top 5 of 5 4 of 5 3 of 5 (current) 2 of 5 1 of 5

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Series: Amongst the Chimneys – 4 or 5

1899 1920 Liberty Thermionics

Series: Amongst the Chimneys – 4 or 5 Take it from the top 5 of 5 4 of 5 (current) 3 of 5 2 of 5 1 of 5

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Series: Amongst the Chimneys – 5 of 5

1911 1920 Liberty Thermionics

Series: Amongst the Chimneys – 5 of 5 Take it from the top 5 of 5 (current) 4 of 5 3 of 5 2 of 5 1 of 5  

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Large Brick Wall – Brooklyn

1896 1920 Liberty Thermionics

I made a different picture of this wall that i happen to like a little better but it doesn’t really do a good job of showing the fading old advertisements that are visible straight on. My intent was to include only the brick-face but it seems that every time i push the edge of the frame for specific framing requirements…

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1900 1920 Liberty Thermionics

I was going for something here that didn’t work out exactly the way i planned. Instead of getting a couple of slightly blurred people walking past as i intended i was left with 2 ghostly legs and that’s about it. Not superfine if you ask me, but an interesting mistake (or that’s what i’m telling myself). We’re off to Santa…

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Abandoned Building and Manhattan Bridge

1899 1920 Liberty Thermionics

I realized after looking through these last several pictures from Brooklyn that i haven’t really ever made a series of images of a city before, i really enjoy it. Seems to me like the same basic rules apply to both uninhabited and inhabited areas. At least i just walk around and try to get the pictures that come out of…

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The Belly of the Brooklyn Bridge

1912 1920 Liberty Thermionics

Standing underneath the Brooklyn Bridge is like standing underneath a lot of other bridges in that i always expect a 4×8 foot sheet of 1″ thick steel to break free and come crashing down… (that’s cause i live in san francisco and that’s happened a few times around here). you might figure that from that high up it’ll gracefully float…

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The Empire State Building from Brooklyn

1917 1920 Liberty Thermionics

As i mentioned earlier, Brooklyn gave me this great perspective on New York City that i’d never had before. Walking around there it feels a lot like san francisco: even though this town’s got about twice the amount of land and 3.5 times the number of people it feels like a small community, or that’s what i got while i…

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