Pacific Ocean

3 Fall Weekends

1920 1285 Liberty Thermionics

I had accumulated a few rolls of 35mm from over the last couple of months and got a chance to develop them last night. Here are a few frames from 3 different weekend outings around San Francisco from the ocean to the bay. First stop was along the Embarcadero, somewhere I’ve walked numerous times over the last several years. I’ve…

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Ocean Beach SF, CA

1920 1509 Liberty Thermionics

Pentax 67 Takumar 6×7 105mm f/2.4 6×7 100TMX HC110-b Pelicans making their way South © July 31, 2021 Still testing things out here. I went through my photo catalog looking for pictures from Ocean Beach and pulled this small set over the last year. During the COVID lock down we came out here several times at the end of a…

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Trinidad Bay – Departing Shot

1916 1920 Liberty Thermionics

Early in the morning that Sunday nearly everyone down at the docks was heading out for a morning of fishing. Not long after we left the docks that morning we packed our cars and headed back down south to San Francisco.

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Trinidad Lost Coast – Looking North

1903 1920 Liberty Thermionics

It’s right around Trinidad on the way up the California coast where there starts to be large rock formations out in the ocean. I think it’s one of the most spectacular things about this part of the coast. This eventually winds its way up the coast into Oregon and on to Washington. This particular view is from the South looking…

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Trinidad Bay

1897 1920 Liberty Thermionics

Down at the water, right past Murphy’s Grocery Store is what i assume is called the Trinidad Dock. At least it’s located in Trinidad and is a place where people can launch their small boats. There is also a place for large fishing boats to dock and offload their catch as well as take on traps as there was an…

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Jason Shooting the Pacific

1897 1920 Liberty Thermionics

More later – we’re off to the mountains for a couple of days in the fresh snow..

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Cresent City, CA – Lighthouse

1911 1920 Liberty Thermionics

This the last in a few from the North Coast of California (just south of the Oregon border). One of 2 lighthouses located in the strangely quaint and quiet Crescent City, CA. We took a trip to Yosemite last weekend to get a visit in before the tourist season kicked into high gear (and the waterfalls dried up). I’ve been…

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Bixby Bridge – Rt 1

1903 1920 Liberty Thermionics

At the Bixby Bridge – about 1/4 mile north from where we stopped and were overtaken by fog – everything was clear. I took the opportunity to climb down the ridge a little bit and explore the hillside. Aside from being covered in tourist trash (cigarette boxes and dorrito bags) it’s pretty cool. I think with a little more time…

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Bixby Bridge, Big Sur Coast

1911 1920 Liberty Thermionics

Bixby Bridge – Looking North

1920 1519 Liberty Thermionics