Route 1

Pacific Coast Highway

1920 1917 Liberty Thermionics

Another in a series of captures from the California coast 2 weekends ago. If i remember correctly we’d stopped an hour or two before in SLO at at a fantastic barbecue place we stumbled upon right down the road from the house of junk. Returning to San Francisco from the coast it’s such a foreign place, and to make things…

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Down along Route 1 – Just North of Big Sur

1904 1920 Liberty Thermionics

I’m not done with my Joshua Tree stuff yet, i just had to change subjects for a day or so so i can catch up with my scanning. On the way back up the coast on Sunday we stopped for a few minutes at an overlook to Bixby Bridge right as the sun was setting and the fog was blowing…

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Down Along the Coast – Just South of Big Sur, CA

1909 1920 Liberty Thermionics

Field of Grass Near Fort Ross

1920 1440 Liberty Thermionics

Near Fort Ross is the aforementioned tall grass that induced copious amounts of sneezing. See – i wasn’t joking – that’s some serious California Grass. (not this serious though.)

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Fort Ross

1920 1440 Liberty Thermionics

Fort Ross was an interesting place. Russian settlers, Native Alaskans and Californians called this place home, all at the same time. It has been called a relationship “chiefly of cooperation,” and is perhaps one of the few examples of different cultures coming together without immediately killing one another. I was there for about 45 minutes and started sneezing from the…

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