Off of Third St – Warehouse Window

1903 1920 Liberty Thermionics

Wow – so… yes – it’s been a while since i put anything up. Over the last month or so i became engrossed in a couple of other things. Specifically – i studied for and passed my technician class and general class amateur radio exams so now i’m a licensed radio operator. I also have become a Certified EPA HAZMAT…

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KFOG Kaboom – redux

1898 1920 Liberty Thermionics

Happy 4th of July! Here’s one more shot from the KFOG Kaboom fireworks display from a couple of months ago. It’s pretty tough shooting fireworks in San Francisco. You’re in the middle of a major city so it never really gets that dark. It’s usually at least a *little* foggy (if you’re lucky) which just reflects even more light. Because…

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KFOG Kaboom – 2007

1853 1920 Liberty Thermionics

Downtown San Francisco

1908 1920 Liberty Thermionics

Mission Dolores/ Bernal Heights

1904 1920 Liberty Thermionics

San Francisco Bay – Pier

1901 1920 Liberty Thermionics

Fort Point – Down Under the Golden Gate

1797 1920 Liberty Thermionics

Back at Vesuvio…

1920 1280 Liberty Thermionics

Here’s another image of the bar keep at Vesuvio trying to keep everybody happy. Check back monday/tuesday as “SantaCon 2006 – San Francisco” should be developed and ready. Well – i know for a fact that it’s developed as i’ve left it all hanging from the shower curtain rod. There a lot of stuff, hopefully some of it good, maybe…

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Specs – North Beach

1920 1280 Liberty Thermionics

Saturday night – fast-forward about 1 hour. Specs is a bar in North Beach with a lot of (interesting) history. The word i’ve heard (please take this with a grain of salt) is that it’s connected to the strip bar (now Larry Flynt’s Hustler club, or some such nonsense) upstairs via an old, now unused stairwell. Over the course of…

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San Francisco From the Bridge

1895 1920 Liberty Thermionics

We got the chance to take a walk over the Golden Gate Bridge last weekend. The weather was nice – much nicer than the last time i did it several years ago. I took a bunch of pictures, i think i’ll try to alternate a few in over the next few days, mixed up with some i did in North…

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