
Bridalveil Falls

1920 1918 Liberty Thermionics

This picture is kind of busy. At first it didn’t really do it for me, but after looking at it a few times i grew to like it. Usually I don’t use a long lens for the obfuscation factor but here i did. It started out innocently enough. The sun was shining directly in my eyes (read: the camera’s lens).…

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Bridalveil Falls Runoff

1913 1920 Liberty Thermionics

I’ve been absent for a while, sorry about that. I’ve been trying to figure out my next project and am coming up short. I think i might try to do one of the other ideas I had for my SoFoBoMo project. There are 2 or 3 others I really liked but one that I would have tried had my schedule…

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Bridalveil Falls with Rainbow

1903 1920 Liberty Thermionics

If you’ve ever stood at the base of the falls you know how wet you can get. Well… i got about that wet. In about a 10 minute period I went from walking around in the warm evening air to being freezing and wet at the base of the falls. Being the end of the day there was really no…

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Bridalveil Runoff

1917 1920 Liberty Thermionics

Another part of the runoff of Bridalveil falls. Towards the end of the summer this is a large rocky area that you can climb all over and even all the way up to where the falls break, in the winter/spring it’s hard to navigate without getting a case of wet-foot, or pick up a clinger. Jason picked up a clinger…

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Bridalveil Runoff

1899 1920 Liberty Thermionics

The area immediately below Bridalveil is responsible for diverting all of the water that rolls over the falls into the merced river which is probably about a quarter of a mile away. I don’t know how authentic the runoff area is as it looks like there’s been some major work done over the years to facilitate visitors to the base…

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Bridal Veil Falls Runoff

1911 1920 Liberty Thermionics

We just returned from the Strawberry Music Festival which took place up near the Hetch Hetchy. The weather was no friend to us though as the temperature was about 40 degrees and rainy (hard rain mostly) the entire time we were there. That could have been ok had we not been prepared for 80 degrees and sunny. At any rate…

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Near California Falls – YNP

1904 1920 Liberty Thermionics

We stopped for lunch around California Falls on our way down the trail Saturday afternoon. The landscape all around us was amazing, you could easily see tens of miles in every direction. This area is covered with snow for a majority of the year – on average there is 300-500 inches (that’s 25 – 41 feet!) of snowfall each winter.…

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Glen Aulin Falls – YNP

1920 1920 Liberty Thermionics

Staying at Glen Aulin is quite nice. We managed to land what the camp manager stated was the “best tent they had, right next to the falls.” These were those falls. We were probably 50 feet away from the water’s edge and the lull was quite nice. During the day the beach area around the falls is full of hikers…

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McArthur-Burney Falls

1897 1920 Liberty Thermionics

Bridal Veil Falls Runoff

1920 1528 Liberty Thermionics

This same scene a couple of months ago from a slightly different perspective

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