west coast

Ocean Beach SF, CA

1920 1509 Liberty Thermionics

Pentax 67 Takumar 6×7 105mm f/2.4 6×7 100TMX HC110-b Pelicans making their way South © July 31, 2021 Still testing things out here. I went through my photo catalog looking for pictures from Ocean Beach and pulled this small set over the last year. During the COVID lock down we came out here several times at the end of a…

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Self portrait in mirror

How it started… How it’s going

1226 1600 Liberty Thermionics

(This started as a test post and I think I’ll just leave it here for now.) Canon EOS 630 EF 24mm f/2.8 35mm Full-Frame (24mm x 36mm) Fuji NPS 800 Lab Basketball remote setup © c. 1999 Testing my remote setup for basketball games. I’d lopped the end off of a Canon cable release and soldered it to a Radio…

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Fort Point – Down Under the Golden Gate

1797 1920 Liberty Thermionics

Along the Coast, Monterey, CA

1920 1280 Liberty Thermionics

Fort Funston – Just South of San Francisco

1920 1280 Liberty Thermionics

Spider webs were covering this entire field..

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Field of Grass Near Fort Ross

1920 1440 Liberty Thermionics

Near Fort Ross is the aforementioned tall grass that induced copious amounts of sneezing. See – i wasn’t joking – that’s some serious California Grass. (not this serious though.)

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Fort Ross

1920 1440 Liberty Thermionics

Fort Ross was an interesting place. Russian settlers, Native Alaskans and Californians called this place home, all at the same time. It has been called a relationship “chiefly of cooperation,” and is perhaps one of the few examples of different cultures coming together without immediately killing one another. I was there for about 45 minutes and started sneezing from the…

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