YNP: Half Dome from Above

1906 1920 Liberty Thermionics

Half Dome, Yosemite National Park. California There is a lot going on right now, and a lot more to come. This particular photograph is the product of many changes here at eBokeh.com. First and foremost we’re opened our own photo lab here at the house. This evening was the first run at processing in the new facility. Over the course…

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YNP: El Capitan from Above

1915 1920 Liberty Thermionics

El Capitan/North Dome is directly to the left of Half Dome. From the valley floor you wouldn’t have any idea that those 2 additional domes even exist. This was taken at or around Glacier Point. It seems so remote, but unfortunately there’s a giant gift shop not 50 yards from where we were standing. Even more unfortunately we had just…

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YNP: On top of Yosemite Falls

1920 1440 Liberty Thermionics

This is what Yosemite looks like at the top. My little GPS thingy said we were at 6666.something feet +/-26 feet. If you look carefully in the background of this picture you can see evidence that we weren’t the only people to make it to the top. In fact there were a variety of people of all different ages up…

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YNP: Half Dome from the Valley

1920 1440 Liberty Thermionics

Here’s Half Dome as seen from a vacant meadow in the valley It’s sort of crazy. Everyone – well nearly everyone – who’s at Yosemite is obsessed with Half Dome, specifically, getting that perfect picture of it. We happened to be driving around right near sunset time taking pictures and found this nice vantage point. After about 5 minutes we…

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YNP: Yosemite Falls

1920 1440 Liberty Thermionics

The lower falls here are same ones that were in the previous picture, the upper falls you can see above are greatly affected by the wind. We hiked to the top of this mountain on Saturday. It’s more than 2000 vertical feet acheived over 3.6 miles. You can do the math if you want; what it works out to is…

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Where’s my toothpaste?

1920 1440 Liberty Thermionics

Here’s a little time-lapse of Jason and Wendy discussing the location of their tooth-paste. You have pretty much 2 choices of dwellings in Curry Village (That’s the name of the particular “town” inside of Yosemite where we stayed). There’s the perma-tent (a wooden platform on the ground with canvas sides and a roof – tent style, and, the full-on heated…

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YNP: Lower Yosemite Falls

1920 1440 Liberty Thermionics

Sorry about that last post, i was trying to run out the door. We spent the past weekend at Yosemite. It’s great having a place like this less than 3 hours away… Say what you want about San Francisco, (oh wait, that’s me saying those things) but Yosemite rules big time I’ve got a bunch of pictures that i’ll be…

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